Im new to blogging "hello blog world" my name is Zin Phox im an independent music artist always getting inspired by life and my fellow humans and an idea or better yet a question is what do people really want from hip hop music? Do people want the feeling of love and passion and peace from music or is that music that promotes violence and ignorance will forever be loved more? Ive been writing music since i was about 9 years old i had my phases from "gangsta" rapper to "political" rapper and now i evolved to the point that i don't want to be considered just a "rapper" more as an artist. As Music artists even the ones reading i feel we all have superpowers with our words so we can choose to be the heroes for the minds of our fans and the villains as well. Im currently working on my album to emerge "Zin Phox" in the music world and i would love some feedback on your thoughts and even topics that you think should be in music also who are your favorite artist are they your hero or villain or do you just love their art. For example West Coast hip hop is known for "Gangsta Rap" but its art and poetry and the blues, thats real stories and pain they're almost like news reporters in Audio form even though it "Gangsta Rap" that doesn't make them a villain and i understand that and also we have artist that speak of peace and love but are on the news every week for something crazy and out of the character as a fan is that a problem or do you keep the art and the person apart?
Just Questions in my mind and as a gift i have a free download for a Mixtape Promo use only peaceful song i wrote called Zin Phox - The Plan with a sample from Coldplay i hope you enjoy and thank you. <------- Free Song from Zin Phox